
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill off the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 was a sobering thought to the type of environmental disaster that can happen overnight.

The average original toner cartridge consumes approximately three and a half litres of oil during the manufacturing process and yet in the majority of cases the cartridge is simply thrown away where it sits in landfill despite the huge price that may have been paid to initially manufacture it.

The well worn slogan of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is an order of operations, not a list of equivalent choices. First reduce, then reuse what you can, and recycle only as a last resort. At Office Green whilst we cannot help you with the first of these three R's, we can guarantee you that from our collections we reuse as much as we can, and only recycle what we cannot reuse.

Whilst cartridges and mobiles along with most shiny new modern technology are not inherently bad, waste is, which is why minimising waste, not technology, is the key to sustainability.

We have many thousands of clients who trust us to provide the best printer cartridge, mobile handset, battery and WEEE recycling scheme available. We accept therefore that we have both a moral and social responsibility to process these products in a way that goes beyond legislative requirements. Our 'zero to landfill' initiative, ISO 14001:2004 certification and own carbon footprint reviews are both prime examples of our commitment to going above and beyond.

The greener we all become the more we realise that it's a choice of lifestyle rather than an ISO tick box, a destination or a race. If, by becoming greener, we can also raise money for charity or cash for ourselves then how great is that! So great that we ask you to tell all of your colleagues and friends about Office Green and to get them recycling with us.

Office Green – recycling today for a better tomorrow