September's Featured Charity

September's Featured Charity 31 August 2012

September's featured charity is the Tower Hills Stables Animal Sanctuary.

Tower Hills Stables Animal Sanctuary care for the 'low ranking' animals such as pigs, sheep, cows and horses past their prime.

When the animals that fall into the above categories hit trouble, their future is bleak and very few survive, which is very upsetting for those who truly care about all creatures.

It is the Sanctuary's wish to always help the least fortunate animals and the Sanctuary currently houses just over four hundred creatures, all of whom are happy, contented, warm, well fed and much loved. In fact they all look like animals in their prime and most of them have managed to forget about their past troubles, suffering, dejection and rejection.

To read more about Tower Hills Stables Animal Sanctuary or to even adopt one of their wonderful residents please visit their website for more information